This page contains links to policies and procedures which are in use somewhere within our network and which may be of use to others. Please remember that these are only examples, they may not reflect up-to-date legislation and they will probably need adapting for use elsewhere.
Staff and Volunteer policies
KCA Annual Leave Flexible Working TOIL and Special leave policy
KCA Capability Policy
KCA Disciplinary Procedure
KCA Grievance Procedure
KCA Maternity, Paternity, Adoption Policy
KCA Recruitment of ex-offenders & DBS use
KCA Recruitment Selection policy
KCA Redundancy policy
KCA Sickness Absence Policy
KCA Staffing and Employment Policy
KCA Volunteer Policy
Governance, Trustees, Finance policies
KCA Complaints and Concerns Policy
KCA Data Protection Policy
KCA Equalities Policy
KCA Financial Controls Policy
KCA Health and Safety Policy
KCA Risk Management Policy and Register template
KCA Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
KCA Safeguarding Children Policy