
Do you need statistics to support funding bids? Do you need statistics to help you plan new projects for your local community? Do you want to know more about crime in your area?
Or do you just like statistics because they help you know a little bit more about your city and your local patch?

On this page we have compiled some links to statistical resources which may be useful to you. As with all external links, the pages may change or go out of date but we will do our best to update the links when we can – particularly when new census data is available.

The base data for a lot of statistical information is taken from the UK census which is carried out every ten years. The latest data is based on the 2021 census. The census data is pulled together by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) who publish reports and datasets which can be interrogated to learn more about your local area.

Brighton & Hove City Council use statistical data from the ONS in several of their publications
– City Plan 2023-2027 Brighton & Hove Demographics
– Local Insight Map – this map can be interrogated to find out statistical information for each council ward Local Insight Map
– This B&HCC report explains some of the local statistics BHCC population report March 2024

Here’s the ONS page for Brighton & Hove, from which you can find comparative data for Brighton & Hove in various topics including house prices, health & wellbeing, and education.

East Sussex in Figures includes a wide range of county-wide data including some which is directly aimed at supporting funding bids here. This data excludes the city of Brighton & Hove so may not be directly relevant to members, but it may provide some useful comparisons.

There’s even a quiz on the ONS page – how well do you know your local area, statistically speaking?